Too much

Sometimes it feels like life can be too much. Like every time you think you are going to get ahead of bills and stuff, things somehow fall apart. Our taxes got cut in half because of an old debt they said we owe which I’m not sure if we really do or not but whatever. So now we barely scraping by again, and of course I ended up going to the ER today to get checked out because I’ve been having side cramps and pains the last day or so. So I spent 130$ for them to tell me I have stones (which I knew) and basically other then the toridol, there’s nothing they can do for me and to just drink lots of water till I pass them. I’m glad it’s not obstructing anything and that my kidneys are ok but still, I’m in pain and I want the pain gone not just covered up by pills. Well I gotta open tomorrow so I better get to bed. Night everyone


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